Global HF (Ionospheric Map)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Apa sumbangan persatuan kepada kita?

Senarai station dari Malaysia
CB (SD) Directory 2011
Seperti yang saya kisahkan sebelum ini, saya kenali HAM bukan melalui persatuan atau kelab. Tak tahu pun ada kelab. Ambik borang, isi dan pi periksa pun bukan melalui kelab.

Cuma lepas kena sign dari 9m untuk sokongan tu, baru saya tahu ada Marts dan Astra ketika itu. Tanpa banyak soal sebab Pak Long yang sign borang saya dan ramai rakan ketika itu Astra maka..saya pun masuk Astra.

Ketika itu bagi saya yang masih budak hingusan dalam HAM dan jiwa muda nih ikut jaa apa orang kata.

Bagi kita dengan hobi yang banyak kepada teknikal ini seharusnya agenda persatuan kenalah kepada hala tuju hobi. Namun jangkaan saya meleset.

Ketika itu GAH persatuan ini dengan kenaikan repeater dimerata tempat. Hebat..canggih..dari utara sampai selatan...dengan satu tujuan..rakan dapat mengenal dari utara sampai selatan dan ke pantai timur.

Bukan nak kata tak bagus..memang bagus..tapi itu saja ka tujuan persatuan ditubuhkan. Hanya untuk menaikkan repeater. Adakah yuran kami untuk repeater semata mata?

Sekurang kurangnya bagi la ada aktiviti anjuran kearah yang lebih teknikal secara menyeluruh. Persatuan hanya setakat 2meter?

Sedih. Sedangkan persatuan atau organisasi yang tak kutip yuran boleh buat directory ahli. Free lak tu. Ini yang kena yuran pun dah puluhan tahun dah..tak pernah buat. Memang menyedihkan. Itu baru sikit ja. Sekurang kurang ahli akan ingat kepada persatuan. Mudah dan senang untuk dibuat.

Tapi apa kan daya. Depa hebat. Depa gah. Setakat mana? Setakat penaik repeater ja.

Bagi saya....persatuan nih dah ibarat ubi kayu batat. Tahu dak? Ubi kayu yang dah nak jadi kayu. Sedap dilihat tapi tak boleh dimakan dan dimasak.

Baik kita bergerak secara sendirian dan langsung dengan MCMC. Lebih mudah.

Kepada persatuan lain, cuba ubah hala tuju ini. buat kelainan. Agar kita tidak disamakan dengan persatuan yang dah ibarat hidup segan mati tak mau. Kalau naik repeater pun buat la satu repeater broadband. Bagi ada kelainan. 9w2di

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tak sia sia hobi nih.

 Apa kisahnya? Dah 10 tahun aku berkecimpung dengan broadband nih semenjak diperkenalkan TM.

Dulu banyak main dengan copper streamyx atau copper split boradband system.

Kita dah biasa dengan GSM broadband 3G dan wifi broadbang 4G.

Tapi yang nih beza sikit. Selain GSM ia juga support UHF. Wahh..teruja la aku nih.

Frequensi? 450mhz. Lantas terus aku teringat DSTAR. Owhhh..betullah seperti apa yang aku baca. DSTAR dan EVDO ini satu konsep yang sama. MCMC beri kepada TM sama seperti yang diberi kepada HAM. Cuma kita bayar duit lesen ja.

Aku terfikir. Agak rugi kerana masih selama ini belum ada lagi repeater digital dan broadband yang sememangnya akan memberi manafaat kepada kita semua.

Aku tengok antenna. 6 element untuk UHF dengan kuasa 100watts. Uiksss..kecik tapi power. Ringan gila tu. Aku masih belum test untuk TX ngan radio kita. Nanti la try.

Masa aku pasang antenna tu..dalam hati.."tak sia aku minat dalam wave communication nih". Tak rugi dan sia sia mak dan ayah benarkan aku minat dalam hobi ini.

Coax..50 ohm. gila aku. Modem..Vertex Wireless. Salah satu anak syarikat yaesu. Aduhh...memang syok. Radio kita dibawah keluaran vertex standrad.

Jadi apa apa pun..aku sekarang dah bergerak ke semua pedalam. Mencari signal untuk broadband. Signal yang aku cari sama seperti dalam HAM. Phone signal. 9w2di

Friday, January 7, 2011

Kenapa bunyi macam bot di 40meter?

Pernah saya tannya kepada 9m2mz. Katanya ia datang dari lebih kurang macam radar lah katanya. Negara? Mungkin Rusia.

Benar kata pak long 9m2mz. Saya dapat satu petikan surat dari IARU Region 3 Monitoring System Report. Memang betullah bunyi macam motobot nih. Terutama below 7.100 ..lagi kuat gila kalau mai belah petang.

Terima kasih paklong....anda telah memberi banyak input kepada kami. Ilmu yang sentiasa kami ingat. Cara anda berkawan dengan kami pun yang paling sempoi

Apa itu World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC)

World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) yang diadakan setiap tiga hingga empat tahun adalah Forum Antarabangsa di mana negara-negara anggota berkumpul untuk menyemak semula perjanjian antarabangsa - Peraturan Radio ITU. WRC bertujuan untuk mencapai konsensus mengenai pelbagai perubahan dalam Peraturan untuk menyelaraskan menggunakan spektrum dalam skala global.

Perubahan terhadap Peraturan Radio ITU akan menghasilkan perubahan dan / atau update untuk merancang spektrum kami dan kemungkinan perubahan dasar dan peraturan-peraturan yang boleh menjejaskan peruntukan kepada lebih daripada 40 perkhidmatan komunikasi radio dan keadaan teknikal, operasi dan peraturan untuk kegunaan frekuensi radio spektrum dan orbit satelit.

Penting untuk dicatat bahwa dalam rangka keseimbangan antara keperluan sering imperatif spektrum untuk mendapatkan kelulusan sehingga perniagaan tidak kehilangan peluang pasaran tanpa mengorbankan kepentingan nasional.


1. Bagaimana untuk kita dapatkan UPDATE terbaru WRC ini?
2. Bolehkah kita mengambil bahagian dalam WRC bersama sama MCMC?

3. Adakah dibuka KEAHLIAN untuk kita sertai?
4. Adakah ini cara paling baik untuk SUARA kita sampai ke MCMC?

Segala galanya akan terjawab dalam kiriman selanjutnya.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

SDR? Masih ada penafian? 2011, anjakan perubahan harus berlaku.

Agenda for the 2011 World Radiocommunication Conference

The World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2007),

a) that, in accordance with No. 118 of the ITU Convention, the general scope of the agenda for a world radiocommunication conference should be established four to six years in advance and a final agenda shall be established by the Council two years before the conference;

b) Article 13 of the ITU Constitution relating to the competence and scheduling of world radiocommunication conferences and Article 7 of the Convention relating to their agendas;

c) the relevant resolutions and recommendations of previous world administrative radio conferences (WARCs) and world radiocommunication conferences (WRCs),


a) that this Conference has identified a number of urgent issues requiring further examination by WRC 11;

b) that, in preparing this agenda, many items proposed by administrations could not be included and have had to be deferred to future conference agendas,


to recommend to the Council that a world radiocommunication conference be held in 2011 for a period of four weeks, with the following agenda:

(1) on the basis of proposals from administrations, taking account of the results of WRC 07 and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.1 to consider and take appropriate action on requests from administrations to delete their country footnotes or to have their country name deleted from footnotes, if no longer required, taking into account Resolution 26 (Rev.WRC 07);

1.2 taking into account the ITU R studies carried out in accordance with Resolution 951 (Rev.WRC 07), to take appropriate action with a view to enhancing the international regulatory framework;

1.3 to consider spectrum requirements and possible regulatory actions, including allocations, in order to support the safe operation of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), based on the results of ITU R studies, in accordance with Resolution [COM6/8] (WRC 07);

1.4 to consider, based on the results of ITU R studies, any further regulatory measures to facilitate introduction of new aeronautical mobile (R) service (AM(R)S) systems in the bands 112-117.975 MHz, 960-1 164 MHz and 5 000-5 030 MHz in accordance with Resolutions 413 (Rev.WRC 07), [COM4/5] (WRC 07) and [COM4/9] (WRC 07);

1.5 to consider worldwide/regional harmonization of spectrum for electronic news gathering (ENG), taking into account the results of ITU R studies, in accordance with Resolution [COM6/5] (WRC 07);

1.6 to review No. 5.565 of the Radio Regulations in order to update the spectrum use by the passive services between 275 GHz and 3 000 GHz, in accordance with Resolution 950 (Rev.WRC 07), and to consider possible procedures for free-space optical-links, taking into account the results of ITU R studies, in accordance with Resolution [COM6/9] (WRC 07);

1.7 to consider the results of ITU R studies in accordance with Resolution 222 (Rev.WRC 07) in order to ensure long-term spectrum availability and access to spectrum necessary to meet requirements for the aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service, and to take appropriate action on this subject, while retaining unchanged the generic allocation to the mobile-satellite service in the bands 1 525 1 559 MHz and 1 626.5-1 660.5 MHz;

1.8 to consider the progress of ITU R studies concerning the technical and regulatory issues relative to the fixed service in the bands between 71 GHz and 238 GHz, taking into account Resolutions 731 (WRC 2000) and 732 (WRC 2000);

1.9 to revise frequencies and channelling arrangements of Appendix 17 to the Radio Regulations, in accordance with Resolution 351 (Rev.WRC 07), in order to implement new digital technologies for the maritime mobile service;

1.10 to examine the frequency allocation requirements with regard to operation of safety systems for ships and ports and the related regulatory provisions, in accordance with Resolution [COM6/10] (WRC 07);

1.11 to consider a primary allocation to the space research service (Earth-to-space) within the band 22.55-23.15 GHz, taking into account the results of ITU R studies, in accordance with Resolution [COM6/11] (WRC 07);

1.12 to protect the primary services in the band 37-38 GHz from interference resulting from aeronautical mobile service operations, taking into account the results of ITU R studies, in accordance with Resolution [COM6/12] (WRC 07);

1.13 to consider the results of ITU R studies in accordance with Resolution [COM6/13] (WRC 07) and decide on the spectrum usage of the 21.4-22 GHz band for the broadcasting-satellite service and the associated feeder-link bands in Regions 1 and 3;

1.14 to consider requirements for new applications in the radiolocation service and review allocations or regulatory provisions for implementation of the radiolocation service in the range 30 300 MHz, in accordance with Resolution [COM6/14] (WRC 07);

1.15 to consider possible allocations in the range 3-50 MHz to the radiolocation service for oceanographic radar applications, taking into account the results of ITU R studies, in accordance with Resolution [COM6/15] (WRC 07);

1.16 to consider the needs of passive systems for lightning detection in the meteorological aids service, including the possibility of an allocation in the frequency range below 20 kHz, and to take appropriate action, in accordance with Resolution [COM6/16] (WRC 07);

1.17 to consider results of sharing studies between the mobile service and other services in the band 790-862 MHz in Regions 1 and 3, in accordance with Resolution [COM4/13] (WRC 07), to ensure the adequate protection of services to which this frequency band is allocated, and take appropriate action;

1.18 to consider extending the existing primary and secondary radiodetermination-satellite service (space-to-Earth) allocations in the band 2 483.5-2 500 MHz in order to make a global primary allocation, and to determine the necessary regulatory provisions based upon the results of ITU R studies, in accordance with Resolution [COM6/17] (WRC 07);

1.19 to consider regulatory measures and their relevance, in order to enable the introduction of software-defined radio and cognitive radio systems, based on the results of ITU R studies, in accordance with Resolution [COM6/18] (WRC 07);

1.20 to consider the results of ITU R studies and spectrum identification for gateway links for high altitude platform stations (HAPS) in the range 5 850 7 075 MHz in order to support operations in the fixed and mobile services, in accordance with Resolution 734 (Rev.WRC 07);

1.21 to consider a primary allocation to the radiolocation service in the band 15.4-15.7 GHz, taking into account the results of ITU R studies, in accordance with Resolution [COM6/19] (WRC 07);

1.22 to examine the effect of emissions from short-range devices on radiocommunication services, in accordance with Resolution [COM6/4] (WRC 07);

1.23 to consider an allocation of about 15 kHz in parts of the band 415-526.5 kHz to the amateur service on a secondary basis, taking into account the need to protect existing services;

1.24 to consider the existing allocation to the meteorological-satellite service in the band 7 750 7 850 MHz with a view to extending this allocation to the band 7 850-7 900 MHz, limited to non-geostationary meteorological satellites in the space-to-Earth direction, in accordance with Resolution [COM6/20] (WRC 07);

1.25 to consider possible additional allocations to the mobile-satellite service, in accordance with Resolution [COM6/21] (WRC 07);

(2) to examine the revised ITU R Recommendations incorporated by reference in the Radio Regulations communicated by the Radiocommunication Assembly, in accordance with Resolution 28 (Rev.WRC 03), and to decide whether or not to update the corresponding references in the Radio Regulations, in accordance with principles contained in the Annex 1 to Resolution 27 (Rev.WRC 07);

(3) to consider such consequential changes and amendments to the Radio Regulations as may be necessitated by the decisions of the Conference;

(4) in accordance with Resolution 95 (Rev.WRC 07), to review the resolutions and recommendations of previous conferences with a view to their possible revision, replacement or abrogation;

(5) to review, and take appropriate action on, the Report from the Radiocommunication Assembly submitted in accordance with Nos. 135 and 136 of the Convention;

(6) to identify those items requiring urgent action by the Radiocommunication Study Groups in preparation for the next world radiocommunication conference;

(7) to consider possible changes in response to Resolution 86 (Rev. Marrakesh, 2002) of the Plenipotentiary Conference: “Advance publication, coordination, notification and recording procedures for frequency assignments pertaining to satellite networks”, in accordance with Resolution 86 (Rev.WRC 07);

(8) in accordance with Article 7 of the Convention:

8.1 to consider and approve the Report of the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau:

8.1.1 on the activities of the Radiocommunication Sector since WRC 07;

8.1.2 on any difficulties or inconsistencies encountered in the application of the Radio Regulations; and

8.1.3 on action in response to Resolution 80 (Rev.WRC 07);

8.2 to recommend to the Council items for inclusion in the agenda for the next WRC, and to give its views on the preliminary agenda for the subsequent conference and on possible agenda items for future conferences, taking into account Resolution [COM6/22] (WRC 07),

resolves further

to activate the Conference Preparatory Meeting and the Special Committee on Regulatory/ Procedural Matters,

invites the Council

to finalize the agenda and arrange for the convening of WRC 11, and to initiate as soon as possible the necessary consultations with Member States,

instructs the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau

to make the necessary arrangements to convene meetings of the Conference Preparatory Meeting and to prepare a report to WRC 11,

instructs the Secretary-General

to communicate this Resolution to international and regional organizations concerned.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Kisah 2010.


2010 memang berbeza dari tahu tahun permulaan aku di HF. Aku bermula tahun 2008 jadi dah nak masuk 3 tahun aku aktifkan semula dalam HF nih yang telah kian lama mengepi. Ikuti kisahnya.

1. Solar flare dan SSN

Nampaknya ada perubahan dan cara propagai membuka pun agak berbeza. Dikatakan ia makin meningkat pada 2011. Pada tahun ini juga sejarah rakan2 seperjuangan di HF seperti 9w2rzl (9m2rdx), 9w2knz, 9w2oza, 9w2esm, 9w2mab DXCC dengan station dari Brazil. Tahun SAMBA lah katakan. Heheh. Masih menunggu dan masih mengkaji peningkatannya.

2. Jambori On The Air (JOTA)

Wahh..tahun 2010 memang best. Inilah tahun dimana kami cuba memcatat rekod "radio HF paling banyak dikumpul"..heheh. Kami dapat mengumpul 12 radio HF....majoriti dari kalangan 9w. Tahniah. Jota juga telah menyenaraikan banyak DXCC pada tahun ini. 9m4sjk dalam kenangan. Moga dapat pakai lagi call itu di 2011. Jangan lupa..kami berjaya naikkan 5 antenna HF untuk JOTA tahun ini.

3. Tahun "PERANG" QRP

Tahun 2010 memang merupakan tahun aku nak naikkan QRP dimata HAM. Alhamdulillah, ia telah mendapat sambutan yang menggalakkan. Dengan pendedahan melalui Youtube dan penulisan blog ini, rasanya ramai yang dah sedar kehebatan QRP dan juga 10Meter. QRP 40meter tak main naa..hehehe...Ramai yang beli FT817nd dan ada yang main kutu. Memang satu pemandangan yang cukup indah. Namun tahun ini juga aku sedih dengan perkembangan QRP ini kerana ada segelintir "kawan" lama aku yang mengeluarkan statement tak sekolah nih. Hairan aku...pandai CW ketuk macam nak pecah meja...tapi mengeluarkan statement yang bagi aku memang tak relevan. Satu dunia dah QRP. Namun perjuangan tetap diteruskan. Aku masih dengan video qrp yang tak sehebat mana pun untuk rujukan kepada yang "takut" dengan QRP lantas takut dengan bayang2 sendiri dan ego sendiri. Muncul hampir 30 station QRP. Tahniah kepada semua yang mahu menyahut cabaran QRP terutama di 10 meter.

4. 10 meter mengganas antara Semenanjung dan Borneo

Boleh dikatakan setiap masa open. Yang paling best kita dapat bekerja dengan station mobile 9w8alf dan 9w8wat. Memang teruja dengan 10meter pada tahun ini terutama apabila plot propagasi memberi gambaran sebenar kepada kita.

5. Draf pelan Spektrum

SKMM mengeluarkan draf untuk kajian dan HAM perlu memberi maklum balas dengan menghantar kembali borang tersebut. Nampaknya ramai yang memberi sokongan terutama kepada pemberian 40m kepada 9w. Satu gambaran cahaya baru buat 9w. Namun ada juga yang membantah. Katanya akan lingkup 40m tu. Sedih kan? Belum apa lagi dah negatif. "Mereka" masih suka 9w dibawah tempurung. Terima kasih lah buat "mereka". Kerana tanpa "mereka" kita tidak BANGKIT sampai ketahap ini.

Ada banyak lagi coretan berkaitan 2010. Cukuplah setakat ini. Lagipun bak kata orang..cakap pun tak guna. Memang "depa" suka kita jatuh. "Depa" suka 9w BODOH. Main radio macam "tonto". BODOH beli set QRP. Lingkup 40m kalau bagi kat 9w....tak tahu CW ibarat LANUN....

Moga 2011 akan memberi sinar baru dengan agenda terbaru yang telah kita atur. Kalau boleh dapat kita jalankan Malaysia 10meter net? Mana nak tau kan.... 9w2di